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J David M. Rozsa, FASAE, CAE, ICE-CCP, ACA

CEO of Metacred, a division of META Company

David Rozsa

David Rozsa is the founder and chief executive officer of Metacred (a division of META Company), an association management company (AMC) whose vision is to develop, manage, and grow the best credentialing programs in the world by bringing the best credentialing practices, staff, vendors, and other resources within the reach of all organizations. Within Metacred, David is both the CEO and the long-time account executive (Managing Director of Credentialing) for one of Metacred’s earliest clients, the European Society of Paediatric and Neonatal Intensive Care.

Prior to launching Metacred, David Rozsa led the certification departments of associations representing industries and professions as diverse as clinical research, construction materials, and financial services—consistently turning around growth slumps, enhancing legal defensibility, and improving the customer experience.

 Credentialing is his third career. A professional child actor and model for sixteen years, David appeared in television commercials and shows, print advertisements, and off-Broadway plays on New York’s Theatre Row.

A National Merit Scholar, he went to college at age sixteen and earned his BA in Philosophy from the University of Southern California, where he was active in student government and was a member of the fencing, polo, equestrian, crew, and debate teams. His second career was as a political campaign manager, culminating in the management of a US Congressional campaign.

Mr. Rozsa is currently the outgoing Chair of the American Society of Association Executives’ (ASAE) Professional Development Section Council, a Legacy Society donor to the ASAE Foundation, the Chair of the ISO Subcommittee of the AMC Institute’s (AMCI) Accreditation and Standards Committee, a member of the AMCI Accreditation and Standards Committee, and a member of the Institute for Credentialing Excellence (I.C.E.) International Task Force.

He is a past: Member of the ASAE AMC Section Council, member of the CAE Pass Point Task Force, member of the I.C.E. Board of Directors, Chair of the I.C.E. Government Affairs Committee, special liaison to the ANSI / ICE 1100 Standards Revision Main Committee, member of the I.C.E. International Committee, Chair of a National Commission for Certifying Agencies (NCCA) Appeals Panel, member of the 2012 and 2018 AMCI Standard Review Canvasses, member of the AMCI Global Task Force, Vice Chair of the City of Alexandria Youth Policy Commission, Executive Committee Member of the Fairfax County Council of PTAs (FCCPTA), Chair of the FCCPTA Advanced Academic Programs Committee, and member of the Steering Committee of the Certification Network Group (CNG).

David is a Fellow of ASAE (FASAE), a Certified Association Executive (CAE), an I.C.E. Certified Credentialing Professional (ICE-CCP), and a certified Advanced Certification Administrator (ACA).

Inspired by the Ephebic Oath of the ancient Athenians, which concludes with the words, “I shall leave my city no less, but rather greater, than I found it,” he founded Metacred in 2007 with the mission of making our world a better place by raising the standard of standard-setting programs.