Updated January 2025
General Information
What is ReadyMe?
The ASAE ReadyMe Experience is a one-of-a kind, innovative program designed to focus on essential (aka ‘soft’) skills identified as integral to career advancement for current and future leaders. Through this program, we aim to help develop a well-prepared, diverse group of leaders who are ready for a variety of career opportunities, including C-Suite positions.
Who is ReadyMe for?
The ASAE ReadyMe Experience is for any current or emerging leader who wants to sharpen their essential (or ‘soft’) skills. The program focuses on mastery of traits, characteristics, and knowledge (beyond technical skills and abilities) that help make leaders successful.
Module topics include: Knowing Yourself, Strategic Thinking and Decision Making, Organizational Culture, DEIA, Change and Innovation Management, Communications, and Management and Motivation.
Essential skills training offers appeal for professionals regardless of career stage and level. Therefore, ReadyMe continues to attract diverse participation. In our beta cohort, 50% of participants were directors or senior directors, 33% were in the C-Suite, and 17% were managers. This trend has continued into the second iteration of our program.
What makes ReadyMe different from other leadership programs?
ReadyMe does not focus on technical skills training and development. We are focused on core essential skills that prepare participants to thrive as organizational leaders. The first iteration of ReadyMe was launched in 2022 and grew to an initial (beta) cohort of about 100 individuals over an 18-month period.
ASAE staff spent a significant amount of that time assessing the first program and gathering feedback from its cohort participants. They spoke…and we listened. We invested additional resources into the program and implemented cohort feedback. Staff worked with instructional design experts and a diverse group of content subject matter experts, developing and refining several iterations of educational content, supplemental resources, and engagement plans until they reached a level of excellence we were pleased with.
Today, participants will experience a new ReadyMe program that is created for association professionals, by association professionals, instructional design experts, and content SMEs.
When will next year’s cohorts begin?
We have streamlined the ReadyMe experience, and cohorts now occur in four-month intervals. Our next cohort begins at the end of January 2025 and will end in April 2025. The final cohort for FY25 will begin in July 2025 and ends in October 2025. Registration for the current (January) cohort will be accepted until February 18, 2025. Anyone registering after that time will automatically be placed in the July 2025 cohort.
How long does it take to complete the online part of ReadyMe’s program?
There are seven online educational modules in the ReadyMe program. We estimate that each module will take approximately 2 hours to complete, including supplemental workbook and discussion board activities. Participants will have 14 weeks to complete the program. Due to a tight cohort schedule, we do not offer program extensions.
Does the ReadyMe program offer narration?
Narration is not built into the lesson modules. The decision not to include narration in the modules was made at the recommendation of experienced instructional design experts, as narration has fallen out of favor as a best practice (here’s more on that topic, if you’re interested). However, we realize that some learners need or prefer the assistance of narration as a matter of accessibility.
So, while our course does not provide this feature, we researched options and found a number of free, open access screen readers that are available in the marketplace for learners to use. Access general information on free, open access, non-visual desktop access software that will help accommodate your needs.
In-Person Events
When is the in-person event for ReadyMe? What is it?
ReadyMe hosts an annual, in-person Leadership Academy event.
The Leadership Academy allows cohort participants to take a deeper dive into key areas of leadership development through facilitated training, ‘hot topic’ discussions, peer-to-peer activities, meetings with mentors, and more. The agenda focuses on the timely leadership topics and diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility education.
All cohort participants are welcome to attend, but the event is not mandatory. Academy registration and meals/snacks served during the event are included with your ReadyMe program registration. ASAE does not cover or reimburse participants for travel or accommodations for this event. We also do not cover or reimburse meals/snacks not included in the Leadership Academy event.
At this time, the Leadership Academy is an annual event. Participants who join a cohort after the event concludes will be invited to attend next year’s academy. This year’s Leadership Academy will take place on June 11, 2025, in Baltimore, Maryland.
Program Registration and Login
How do I register for ReadyMe?
To register for the program, please visit ASAE’s website. We have special informational and registration pages developed for ReadyMe there.
How do I access ReadyMe coursework?
You will access your ReadyMe coursework in ASAE Academy learning platform.
- Access the ASAE Academy here: https://academy.asaecenter.org/
- Sign in using your ASAE member account credentials
- One you are logged in, access the ReadyMe program: https://academy.asaecenter.org/enrol/index.php?id=251
What is my password?
Login access to ReadyMe and ASAE Academy is managed using your ASAE Member account. You may reset your password by selecting “forgot password” on the ASAE Member Login page https://www.asaecenter.org/login
Request for Assistance
How do I request assistance with a program issue?
Our ReadyMe program team is always glad to assist you. ReadyMe has a large cohort of participants, so we respectfully request your patience when making a non-urgent request. Please submit all program inquiries and requests to readyme@asaecenter.org and allow up to 48 hours (during the business week) for a response. Thank you!
Mentoring Program
What is mentoring?
ReadyMe defines mentoring as a voluntary, reciprocal, and collaborative relationship that most often occurs between professionals (one senior to the other) for the purpose of the mentee’s growth, learning, and career development.
ReadyMe does not operate a stand-alone mentoring program. All mentoring occurs within the program (for participants only). The mentoring requirement must be completed within a participant’s 14 week cohort.
It is important for a mentor and mentee to establish parameters, define expectations and set clear goals for the mentoring relationship in early conversations. Decide how you will measure the success of your engagement through the goal setting process. To avoid imbalanced expectations, both should agree to goals and expectations and understand that mentoring is not professional coaching nor counseling. Professional coaching and counseling are both professions with their own required knowledge, skills, and abilities.
If you have additional questions about mentoring, please email us at readyme@asaecenter.org.
How do I connect with a mentor?
Mentoring will be available to the January 2025 ReadyMe cohort in March. In the interim, mentors and prospective mentees will receive training resources and tools to help prepare for and manage the mentor/mentee relationship.
Once mentoring is available, simply navigate to the Virtual Mentors page while you are logged in. There you will find bios and contact information and/or booking links for each of the mentors participating in the ASAE ReadyMe program.
Each mentor manages their booking independently. If you do not see contact information or a booking link for the mentor you’d like to connect with, please email readyme@asaecenter.org.
Please note: If you already have a professional mentor, you are not required to select a new mentor for this program.
Program Completion and Credits
How do I receive my certificate once I finish the program?
After completing the final assessment with an 85% or above, your will receive your certificate of completing via the ReadyMe platform.
How many CAE credits does ReadyMe offer?
The ReadyMe program offers up to an expected 20 hours of approved CAE education. This includes 15 hours for online educational modules and 5 hours for live participation in the Leadership Academy event.
How do I claim CAE credits for ReadyMe?
On your CAE application (new or renewal), include your participation in ReadyMe on the list of activities you are claiming credit for. Provide all required information on the application. You will also have your certificate of completion as backup verification. For additional information or answers to your specific questions, visit the CAE page on ASAE’s website.