Lowell Aplebaum, EdD, FASAE, CAE
CEO of Vista Cova

Lowell Aplebaum, FASAE, CAE, CPF is the CEO of Vista Cova – a company that partners with organizations on strategic visioning and planning, designing mission-focused governance models, and reimagining value and engagement. As an IAF Certified™ Professional Facilitator, Lowell frequently provides dynamic sessions to organizations – getting volunteers, members, and staff involved through experiential learning approaches. Lowell currently serves on the ASAE Research Committee and is a past Chair for the overseeing commission for the Certified Association Executive (CAE) credential. He chaired ASAE’s Task Force on CEO Pathways, and previously served as Chair for ASAE’s Component Relations Council. He is the creator of a master-level learning series, Through the CEO Lens, and Association Charrette – a co-creation retreat experience. He is the co-Executive Editor and Contributing Author for ASAE’s Component Relations Handbook, 2nd edition, and contributed chapters to the latest versions of Professional Practices of Association Management as well as Membership Essentials. His work on global efforts for associations includes experience across five continents, hundreds of volunteer groups, and all 50 states in the U.S. Lowell resides in Maryland where his 11-year old son and twin 9-year old girls keep the house full of laughter.