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Marc Cadin

CEO of Finseca

Marc Cadin

As CEO of Finseca, Marc Cadin is the chief visionary and spokesman for professionals who provide financial security to 75 million American families. Finseca was inspired by financial security for all.  It will bring together Consumers, Policymakers, Financial Security Professionals and Carriers so that, together, we can build a secure financial future for the individuals, families, and business owners we serve. 

Before the creation of Finseca, Cadin was the CEO of the Association for Advanced Life Underwriting (AALU), where he led the implementation of an ambitious strategic plan to modernize the organization. In 2019, he took the transformative step of guiding AALU through a merger with the General Agents and Managers Association (GAMA International). Since then, they’ve also brought on Finseca NY (state advocacy deal), Forum 400 (elite life insurance producer group), and NAILBA (brokerage). By joining forces, Cadin and Finseca are executing a vision to represent the entire financial security profession and the millions of people it serves. 

Prior to joining AALU, Cadin was a teacher and lacrosse coach at Flint Hill School in Oakton, Virginia. In 2007, Cadin ran for Virginia’s House of Delegates knocking on 11,205 doors in the process. He is a graduate of Villanova University and earned his Juris Doctor from the Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law. Cadin and his wife, Jennifer, live in McLean, Virginia with their four children.